Increase in the maximum grant limit of the De minimis regulation, to €300,000

The European Commission, on 13 December 2023, issued two new regulations amending the general regulation on de minimis aid (de minimis regulation) and the regulation on de minimis aid (SGEI de minimis regulation) for services of general economic interest (SGEI), such as public transport and healthcare. The revised regulations entered into force on January 1, 2024 and will be valid until December 31, 2030.
What is changing in the de minimis regulation?
- Increase of the de minimis aid ceiling from €200,000 (valid since 2008) to €300,000 for three years.
- Introduction of "safe harbours" as financial intermediaries, with the aim of providing assinistance in the form of loans and guarantees, no longer requiring full transfer of benefits from financial intermediaries to final beneficiaries.
What is changing in the SGEI de minimis regulation?
- Increase of the de minimis aid ceiling from €500,000 (effective from 2012) to €750,000 for three years.
For both regulations (de minimis and SGEI de minimis), Member States will be required to register de minimis aid in a central register at National or European level from 1 January 2026, thus reducing reporting obligations for companies.