My Data: The requirements, risks and deadlines for mandatory data transmission

My Data: The requirements, risks and deadlines for mandatory data transmission

The "electronic invoices" and the My data system are already here. A huge reform in the field of tax policy, which aims to put an end to the phenomenon of fictitious invoices and tax evasion, especially from VAT, brings ups and downs in the market and is already causing tensions.

From Monday 1/11/2021, the obligatory registration of receipts begins, in the electronic platform My Data created by the Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE).

Specifically, for the year 2021 the entry will refer only to the income documents and not to the accounting classifications of expenses. Revenue receipts issued or will be issued by companies by the date of commencement of mandatory transmission, must be transmitted to the MyDATA platform no later than 31.03.2022.

We remind you that from 1/10/2021 the mandatory electronic sending of receipts is valid for:

  • Businesses (natural and legal persons) with double entry books with a turnover of over 50,000 euros
  • Businesses (natural and legal persons) with single entry books with a turnover of over 100,000 euros

From 1/11/2021 all other companies must submit their income documents. Also from November, the mandatory interconnection of cash registers with the tax office is valid for all companies.

Contact us for further details:


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