Improving the energy efficiency of companies in the tertiary sector (Pre-publication)

Program dates
Start date: 12/02/2024
Expiration date: 15/05/2024
The action entitled "Improving the energy efficiency of companies in the tertiary sector" was announced, with the support of the Recovery and Resilience Fund. The purpose of the program is the energy upgrade of buildings and non-building facilities of companies active in one of the sectors of commerce, other services and tourism.
The de minimis regulation applies to the action.
Program budget & Subsidy
The total budget is 176.75 million Euros and will be implemented as part of the "Saving-Entrepreneuring" action of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan "Greece 2.0".
The amount of aid is up to 65% depending on the type of intervention and the size of the business.
While the following apply to the budget:
- It cannot exceed the amount of 500,000 euros for the tourism sector.
- It cannot exceed the amount of 250,000 euros for the other branches
Who does it concern?
The program concerns companies that:
- They operate in the Greek Territory with a Greek VAT number.
- They are active on the date of submission of the application to participate in the Program.
- They have eligible Activity Code Numbers (KAD) from the sectors of trade, services, catering, bakery and confectionery production, as well as tourism (Hotels up to 200 beds)
- They constitute a legal entity (Society Anonyme, Limited Liability Company, Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Company, Social Cooperative Enterprise, Cooperative) or Sole Proprietorship and Foundations and Non-Profit Organizations of a Public Benefit Purpose of a Non-Profit Nature and keep aplographic or double-graphic books
- Have a document of ownership for 8 years from the date of submission
- That the 1st Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) of the installation implementing the investment has been issued.
For each application that will be submitted under the program, the minimum energy target is determined as follows:
- primary energy savings of at least 40%
- reduction of emitted pollutants (CO2) by at least 35%
- energy class upgrade, based on an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) by at least two energy classes, in relation to the existing classification (or mandatory B+ class, in the case of a radical renovation).
Eligible Expenses
i) Equipment Expenses:
- energy upgrading of the building envelope, such as thermal insulation, installation of shading systems,
- energy upgrade of the lighting system, from new LED technology, installation of automations to reduce consumption due to the absence/presence of users,
- energy saving in space heating systems, such as replacing boilers with heat pumps,
- energy savings in space cooling systems, such as replacing chillers
- energy saving in space ventilation systems,
- energy saving in domestic hot water systems,
- installation of Renewable Energy Sources systems, such as solar thermal systems,
- compensation system installation,
- installation of automation, control and management systems at local and central level,
- replacement of energy-consuming equipment related to the production process of the services provided (e.g. ovens, refrigerators)
ii) Service Expenses (7% with an upper limit of 30,000 euros)
- energy auditor services for drawing up an energy audit report (initial and final),
- energy inspector services for issuing energy efficiency certificates (initial and final),
- development and certification of an energy management system, according to the ISO 50001 standard,
- monitoring and management consultancy services,
- preparation of studies and research of any kind, which are deemed necessary for the implementation of the report of energy audit results, related to the purposes of the action
Evaluation of applications
Applications will follow the method of direct evaluation in order of priority (First in-First out).