Grants for business initiatives for young freelancers aged 18 to 29 with an emphasis on women

Promoting the employment of 2,900 unemployed people aged 18 to 29 with an emphasis on women, through their support for the creation of new businesses.
The action will be implemented in cycles in case the beneficiaries of the cycle fall short of the number of 2,900.
The second round will be announced 6 months after the deadline for applications for the first round.
The start and end dates for submitting applications will be published on the OAED website (, on the website of the Ministry of Development and Investment ( and on the NSRF website (
The duration of the grant is set at 12 months. The period of 12 months is valid from the date of commencement of the company's activity at the Tax Office.
Target Audience
"Potential beneficiaries" - beneficiaries of the action are defined as the unemployed registered in the OAED register, who are out of education, employment or training, 18-29 years old, who submit a funding application, which includes a proposal of their business plan.
"Beneficiaries" of the action are defined as the legal entities (Companies), which receive the support following the approval of the application for financing and their inclusion in the action.
Submission period
from 10/5/2021 to 10/6/2021 (time 15:00)
The application for financing (investment proposal) is submitted electronically to the State Aid Information System (PSE) provided by the Ministry of Development and Investment at
Application area
All of Greece
Terms and conditions
"Beneficiaries" of the action are defined as the legal entities (Companies), which receive the support following the approval of the application for financing and their inclusion in the action.
Potential beneficiaries must cumulatively meet the following requirements when submitting an online application for funding for action:
- To be unemployed registered in the OAED register, aged 18 to 29 years.
- Have the status of unemployed, be out of education, employment or training and meet the age criterion when applying for funding and on the day before the start of activity at the Tax Office. The check of the status of the registered unemployed out of education, employment or training, 18-29 years old (points a. And b.), Is carried out:
- during the evaluation with reference / control point on the date of submission of the application for financing in the PSKE and
- before the start of the action, ie one day before the start of activity at the Tax Office.
- To have benefited from the process of individualized intervention.
- To be ‘Greek citizens or citizens of another EU country or expatriates who have the right to reside and work in our country or citizens of third countries who have a valid residence permit at least for the duration of the action.
- Male candidates must have fulfilled or been legally discharged from their military service.
- To operate legally within the Greek territory.
- The start of activity in the Tax Office takes place after the date of submission of the funding application, and no later than 60 days from the date of notification of the positive evaluation (approval) of their proposal.
- Each potential beneficiary submits a single application for funding (either individually or as a member of a legal entity / legal entity).
- Potential beneficiaries are included in the action either as sole proprietors or as members of legal entities, in one of the following legal forms:
- General partnerships OE)
- General Partners of Limited Liability Companies (EU)
- Limited Liability Company (Limited Liability Company)
- Private Capital Company (IKE)
- Cooperative of employees of article 24 of Chapter E of law 4430/2016 (A '32).
The potential beneficiaries of the above mentioned legal entities are the partners - members who exercise the management of corporate affairs based on either the institutional framework, the articles of association or the decision of the General Meeting of the partners, hold 51% of the company share and are the legal representatives of the company, except for employee cooperatives that apply the provisions of Law 4430/2016 (AD 32).
The above applies throughout the program. The legal representative of the beneficiary appoints the Project Manager, who has the general supervision of the project. His responsibilities include the responsibility of the financial and administrative support of the project, the obligation to collect the supporting documents for the implementation of the investment plan, as well as the observance of all documents related to the project. Finally, the Project Manager is responsible for the communication of the company with OAED.
What is funded
The lump sum aid for new companies / beneficiaries of the action amounts to € 14,800 and is paid in three installments as follows:
- 1st installment of 4,000 euros, after the start of activity in the Tax Office and in any case after the issuance of the decision to join the proposal (Milestone A).
- 2nd installment of 5,400 euros, after the end of the first half of the start of the business, after verification of the operation for a period of 6 months (Milestone B).
- 3rd installment of 5,400 euros, after the end of the second half of the start of the business, after verification of the operation for a period of 6 months (Milestone C).
To see all the available subsidized programs click here.
Contact us for further details:
Τel. 2810 280985