Energy Storage Systems in Businesses

Start date: 08/01/2025
End date: 28/02/2025
Get a grant for the installation of storage systems in photovoltaic systems (where only the storage system is subsidized) or for the installation of a storage system (battery) in existing photovoltaic systems (where only the storage system is subsidized).
Businesses of all sizes and sectors of economic activity are subsidized. The intensity of the subsidy depends on the size of the company applying and is set at a rate of 30% for large enterprises, 40% for medium-sized enterprises, and 50% for small enterprises for the main eligible expenses.
The aim is to increase the energy efficiency of buildings and reduce primary energy consumption.
Through the program, with a total budget of €153.7 million, businesses will be subsidized:
- for the installation of storage systems in planned photovoltaic systems (only the storage system is subsidized) or
- for the installation of a storage system (battery) in already existing active photovoltaic systems (only the storage system is subsidized)
Type and Amount of Subsidy
The total subsidy amount received by each Beneficiary is calculated at the level of a single enterprise and cannot exceed €400,000 per Beneficiary.
The subsidy intensity is as follows:
- 50% for small businesses
- 40% for medium-sized businesses
- 30% for large businesses
Eligible Expenses
The program covers equipment expenses (e.g., procurement and installation of energy storage systems, ancillary materials, and Energy Management System) and service expenses (e.g., fees for study and system sizing, project management consultants, and connection costs with DEDDIE/ADMIE). Specifically:
Main Expenses
- Procurement and installation of storage systems & accessories (panels, cables, smart meters, etc.) (for a 1h battery capacity)
- They can cumulatively range from 0% to 100% of the total budget, with a maximum amount of €400,000/MWh
- Procurement and installation of storage systems & accessories (panels, cables, smart meters, etc.) (for a 1h to 2h battery capacity)
- They can cumulatively range from 0% to 100% of the total budget, with a maximum amount of €350,000/MWh
- Procurement and installation of an Energy Management System
- They can cumulatively range from 0% to 10% of the total budget, with a maximum amount of €40,000 per application
Supportive Expenses
- Study / System Sizing
- They can cumulatively range from 0% to 3% of the total budget, with a maximum amount of €5,000/MWh and up to €20,000 per photovoltaic system.
- Project Management Consultant
- They can cumulatively range from 0% to 2% of the total budget, with a maximum amount of €15,000 per application
- Connection cost with DEDDIE / ADMIE
- Up to €5,000 per connection
Application Submission
To submit an Application for Participation, you must provide:
- Basic company information.
- Eligible expenses to be implemented.
- Required supporting documents.
- Submitted technical specifications.
- Agreement with the terms and conditions.
Implementation Duration
The implementation duration for each application cannot exceed 12 months from its approval (integration decision) into the Program. Within this period, the physical object must be completed, the station (photovoltaics with storage system) must be electrified, and a Request for Verification-Certification of Expenses for the final inspection and subsidy payment must be submitted.
In any case, the submission of a request for the investment subsidy payment must be completed by April 30, 2026.
It should be noted that if the Beneficiary (at the time of application submission) had submitted an application to the relevant Operator for a Definitive Connection Offer, they must submit a signed Connection Contract within two (2) months of the Integration Decision issuance via the O.P.S. Failure to fulfill this obligation (either due to non-submission of documents or submission of incorrect documents) results in automatic removal from the Program.
Based on FIFO (First In – First Out) evaluation of applicants, Provisional Lists of Eligible/Alternate/Rejected applications are issued per Beneficiary Category, according to the Program's available budget, including all submitted applications ranked in descending order (based on the relevant timestamp).