Creation of e-shop for retail businesses with 100% subsidy (2nd call)

The new Action of EPANEK, named "E-retail - Subsidy of existing SMEs bussinesses, in the retail sector, for the development / upgrade and management of an online store" (B cycle) aims at the subsidy of SMEs in the retail sector for the development / upgrade and management of e-commerce (e-shop), in order to support their operation during the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), to enhance the degree of integration of digital technology, as well as their digital transformation and to avoid overcrowding indoors.
Applications are subsidized of up to 5,000 euros to each company with a distinct VAT number for the acquisition of IT equipment and the implementation of intangible actions (software / services) in order to develop and manage an online store. For the upgrade of an online store, if the company already had it before 18/3/2020, the subsidy is 1,500 euros.
The budget of the Action is 8 million euros for all the regions of the country.
The Action is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union and from national resources.
Beneficiaries of the Action
Beneficiaries of the Action are Medium, small and very small companies that are active in the retail trade sector and maintain a physical store in a separate area of their home regardless of their legal form, operating legally in the country and have started at the competent Tax Office.
Businesses are divided into:
- Existing, if they have been established until 30/09/2019.
- Newly established, if they have been established from 01/10/2019 until the date of the announcement of the Action.
Date of Start of Electronic Submission: July 9, 2021 at 13:00
Completion Date of Electronic Submission: September 29, 2021 at 15:00
To see all the available subsidized programs click here.
Contact us for further details:
Τel. 2810 280985